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Elections 2024 Noncitizen Voting Explainer

Elections 2024: Noncitizen Voting Explainer

What is Noncitizen Voting?

Noncitizen voting refers to the practice of allowing non-citizens to vote in elections. This practice has been gaining traction in recent years, and several cities and states have already implemented it.

There are two main types of noncitizen voting: municipal voting and school board voting. Municipal voting allows non-citizens to vote in local elections, such as those for mayor, city council, and school board. School board voting allows non-citizens to vote in elections for school board members.

Arguments for and Against Noncitizen Voting

There are a number of arguments in favor of noncitizen voting. Supporters argue that non-citizens are just as invested in their communities as citizens, and they should have a say in how their communities are run. They also argue that noncitizen voting can help to increase civic engagement and make communities more inclusive.

Opponents of noncitizen voting argue that it is unfair to allow non-citizens to vote in elections. They argue that only citizens should have the right to vote, and that non-citizens should not be able to influence the outcome of elections. They also argue that noncitizen voting could lead to voter fraud.


The debate over noncitizen voting is likely to continue for some time. There are strong arguments on both sides of the issue, and it is ultimately up to each individual to decide where they stand on the issue.
